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In the last issue of literally Chris Lowe was interviewed at length. 'Last issue it is Neil Tennant's turn. The following conversation with Chris Heath took place at Swarm West studios on the morning of October 15th.

What sort of mood are you in?
Oh, a pretty good mood. We're just listening to the seven-inch mix of "Go West", which we've recorded for some reason, and I think it sounds really good. And outside it's actually quite a nice morning the sun is shining, the sky's blue. Before I came here I had breakfast and listened to Madonna's new album. I think it sounds quite good. There's one track, with Spanish guitar on, where I think she sounds like Kylie Minogue. To be honest, although I would regard myself as a fan of Madonna, I have never liked a Madonna album. Apart from the first one, before she was famous.

Do you like being famous?
Urn... yeah. When you go on holiday you get away from everything and When I was in Spain on holiday I sort of forgot that I was me, do you know what I mean? And we went to this town called Ronda, a famous old town, very nice, and we were sitting in a cafe and these kids recognized me and then more of them came, and I had my Polaroid camera and I got one of them to take a Polaroid of me and them, together and all the rest of it. They were really nice. And by the end there was quite a large crowd and When we left everyone applauded and I thought then "it's sort of quite nice being famous sometimes". When people sort of like you or what ever. I like it When people like you. And, actually, we don't seem to get a huge downside of that. There was a period When it started to get on my nerves. That was, as I've mentioned before, When people started stealing my rubbish. It really upset me, that, for some reason. I found it spooky. But we seemed to have passed that. And as everybody always says, you can get into restaurants. Another weird thing about us and fame is that we seemed to get more famous after we were at our most successful. That's something I can never quite understand, but it doesn't bother me.

Do you think you're better friends with Chris now than before the Pet Shop Boys became successful?
I think before we were famous we were only friends, so therefore we were probably better friends, because our relationship was: we were friends. Now we're these sort of battle-scarred veterans who have been through a lot together and so our relationship is different. And also we don't socialize as much as we used to. Which is not to say we don't socialize together - we do - but we have different friends. We always have had. I don't see Chris at the weekends as a rule. And I don't go clubbing as much - I used to go clubbing with Chris quite a lot. Although if we're on a promotional tour or something like that I will still go clubbing with Chris. But you can't live in each other's pockets all the time. I feel very comfortable with our relationship at the moment. It just seems totally unforced and quite relaxed really. Particularly because we're not on tour or anything like that. We're writing songs, and we really have film doing that. I've always liked being with Chris, When he's in a good mood, because he's really good fun. And also there's something about Chris that just completely fascinates me. I think it's probably true to say that I'm more fascinated by Chris than Chris is fascinated by me, but that's always been the case.

Why is that?
I think I'm more predictable than Chris is, whereas Chris is completely unpredictable, and I think that's what's fascinating about him. That's how it's also been: Chris is the unpredictable one, which I found invigorating, and l think Chris relies on me to a certain extent, in a way which I can't rely on him, because to a certain extent he's unreliable. Those are the sort of parameters of our relationship.

Do you think you'd be friends if you weren't in a group together?
Well, we were friends When we weren't in a group together. If we got dropped by EMI or something, we'd still be friends.

Do you really sit round reading history books, sipping fine wine and listening to classical music?
Yes, I do. That's not all I do, of course. But I like reading books. I like classical music. I don't just listen to classical music although I don't sit at home generally and listen to techno. It doesn't really excite me, whereas at one time I used to listen to dance records at home all the time. I went to a club last weekend - chemistry at Heaven - and I was just thinking how crap the music sounded to me. With rave culture there's a big thing happened around drugs really - a form of music has been created, the vast majority of which can only be enjoyed if you are on ecstasy or have taken a lot of ecstasy in the past and therefore can imagine what it's like to listen to the record on ecstasy. If you haven't taken ecstasy a lot you can't really appreciate it. When I used to go to clubs, it was the music - a Shannon record or something -that made you really excited; now a days there seems to have to be a combination of that and the drug. The music sounds great through the prism of the drug experience - it otherwise doesn't make very much sense, and that's a shame.

Do you ever think you're too old to be a pop star?
No, actually, I don't. Mainly because, as I've said before there's always going to be people older than us. I mean Right Said Fred are all older than Chris Lowe, for instance. I don't think age really comes into it. I think you just have to be comfortable with what you do. There is a thing with Chris and I: we don't want to make "mature" music. When Behavior was approvingly commented on as being "mature" we weren't very happy about that, because "mature" implies a having given in sort of thing. The next album will be much less "mature", and more sort of "fun". Even though, actually, I really like Behavior I've always written songs from my own age point of view and I'm still doing that. I think that's one of our appeals. There's a song I've written for this new album called "Young Offender" in which I'm comparing myself to someone younger.

Do you want to make a solo album?
No. We do always have this joke that I'm going to make an album called Neil Sings Noel but I think it's most unlikely. I don't think I should put my energy into a solo album. It would be very self-indulgent, and I think it would be rather confusing. And also I don't know who I'd make it with. If I made a solo album I'd probably try and rope Chris into it, and then it wouldn't be a solo album.

How would you feel if Chris made one?
Well, I think it would be quite good if Chris did a solo album in a way. I've always thought there is a disproportionate focus on me because When you're the singer you always get more attention, so I think it would be good. I would quite like to see Chris at number one in the charts by Himself. It would be good for the Pet Shop Boys, I think.

Do you think it annoys Chris When you sing songs for Electronic?
I think Chris has remixed feelings about it, but I don't know, because of course he would never Say anything about it. I mean, I did the records with Electronic because I like doing them with Johnny and Bernard, and so does Chris When he's worked with them, but Chris can't be bothered to spend a lot of time in the studio When he doesn't have to. I'm quite happy to do that.

Does it worry you that you singing "Disappointed" with a different group might be confusing for the public?
Yes, in retrospect it does, but actually I really like the record. I don't know how confusing it is. Someone told me they thought the Pet Shop Boys had broken up because I'd made that record. Maybe there's something in it. But it's totally rectifiable When our next record comes out. And I always think one of the strengths with the Pet Shop Boys is the cast of characters. It isn't just the two of us: you buy into Derek Jarman, you buy into Electronic... that's one of the things I, personally, like about us.

Does Chris really annoy you?
No.1 mean, the occasions When he does annoy me are When (laughs) he's being annoying. When we used to have to do thousands of interviews and stuff, sometimes I used to think Chris made it more hard work than it was, but that was quite a long time ago. And sometimes I have thought - I don't think this now - that I just get taken for granted. It's assumed I'll turn up, it's assumed I'll check that all the artwork is fine, and sometimes if Chris cares to get involved he'll suddenly come up with a whole list of complaints, whereas When it was happening he had no interest in it. I find that Irritating but that doesn't really seem to happen so much at the moment. Our organization has a mechanism now so that everyone knows everything.

What do you think you do that annoys him most?
I don't know, actually. I don't want to give the impression that Chris and I have a relationship which is totally based upon each other being annoyed by the other one. Maybe it's that I sort of bulldoze through things. I don't know, because of course he would never tell me.

Do you think you are too bossy?
No, I don't think I am. I think I'm assertive, rather than bossy, and I think it's a good thing. And as Chris Is himself would admit, he relies on it. But Chris is always the secret weapon in the Pet Shop Boys, because people always talk to me about things, but if Chris phones you up about something, you know there's a problem. And I shamelessly use Chris - I will say, "I'm annoyed about this, but Chris Lowe is absolutely furious". And people are sort of frightened of Chris. They think he'll go off his trolley or something. So actually it's the classic hard-and-soft police approach.

Do you think of songs all the time?
Yes, I do, really. There's part of my Iran that is always thinking of ideas for songs. And I do sometimes make up songs in my head. We've just been doing a song called "I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind Of Thing" and it was because I just started singing it in my head in a taxi to an airport to go to Edinburgh. I forgot about it, but it just didn't go away, this stupid song in my head. I don't even know if I like it, but I wanted to demo it to get out of my head.

Do you keep a pad beside the bed?
I write them down in my Filofax. Actually I write songs in my sleep all the time, but they're normally crap. It's routine for me to wake up in the morning with some funny song in my head but it's normally absolutely glassily. They all sound like Michael Bolton songs.

Do you ever wish that you were still a journalist?
No, I don't I occasionally get asked to write pieces, but I find it very hard work to sit down at a typewrite So, for instance, When I wrote a piece for Details recently - the one reprinted in Select - it was done as an interview with you, and then we worked on the transcript together. I've always said that I enjoy music because it's a collaboration - I've never liked having to sit alone in a room to work

Why don't you drive?
Well, for years I've lived reasonably near the center of London and there doesn't seem any need to drive, because you've got to have a car parked outside your house, you've got to get MOT and they always break down. Chris's car seems to spend tons of time in the garage. Even yesterday the left indicator light wasn't working so he had to take it to the garage. And I just couldn't be bothered with all of that, so I take taxis, and occasionally I get on the tube.

You still get the tube now?
Yes. Usually I get a taxi, and I walk a lot, but I got the tube last week. It's often quicker, getting the tube. You have your well-known moral objections to cars, but if you lived somewhere less convenient would you drive? If I lived in the countryside? Well, that's probably why I wouldn't live in the countryside. I sort of think I would crash a car, but I would probably get one. My moral objection is only that I think there's too many cars, and I think people think there's no alternative to cars and it's one of the great problems with our society is that under Mrs Thatcher it stopped being a shared experience. All the great institutions of society built up from the Victorian era onwards, like public transport, are being needed now, because people just want to have everything at home, and they want to drive until capsules to someone else's home, and they don't want to share things anymore, and I think that's a big mistake.

Did you ever start learning to drive at all?
Yeah. My father once gave me a driving lesson in this park near us. And I did a three-point turn.

Why did you get your hair cut so short?
People get most annoyed that I don't have lustrous curly hair anymore, but the reason I got my hair cut short is that my hair is getting quite thin and you can't really have lustrous curly hair at the front and not at the back, which is the way it is. So it's better to keep it short, and I quite like the way it looks. In photographs it always looked great When it was curly and all the rest of it, but I'm afraid nature had other plans.

When did you last Cry?
The last time I cried really was at a funeral. It was rather embarrassing, actually. I had to read this bit of The Bible, and I couldn't stop crying When I started to read it. It was just upsetting, and also the bit of The Bible was very beautiful, and I just started to cry, and carried on until I regained my composure. I cried quite a lot that day. That was the fireman described in "Your Funny Uncle".

You don't cry very often?
No, I don't. There you are. I'm obviously hard as nails. Actually, I think that crying is an important experience that shouldn't really be devalued by doing it too frequently, because actually it's the ultimate emotional release. If you cried every day at the drop of a hat, then in the situation I was talking about you'd have nowhere to go, at it were. I sometimes feel slightly tearful watching a film or whatever, but I won't be in floods of tears.

When do you feel happiest?
I have various kinds of happiness. When I'm with people I like. When I'm with friends, having a good time. Sometimes When I'm in the countryside, being somewhere beautiful on a nice day - I think as you get older you enjoy beauty more, if that doesn't sound too Nick Rhodes to be true. When we're writing a song and it's going really well. After sex. Sometimes I feel happy When I'm by myself, sitting at home, reading a book or something, in the morning, and it's a nice day outside, and it's just peaceful and I'm not being bothered by anyone. Of course, half-an-hour later I'll be bored to death.

Can you imagine the Pet Shop Boys ever splitting up?
No, not really. It's not the sort of thing we would do really. I can imagine us having a row and saying "right! that's it then!" but we'd change our minds. I can't really see an alternative, and I don't want to rind one.

So you think the Pet Shop Boys might go on more or less forever?
Yeah. I'm afraid so.


Between July 27th and July 31st, each morning between 9a.m. And 11a.m., Chris And Neil repeated last year's stint DJing on Radio One whilst Simon Bates was on holiday. They were the only guests invited back from last year, And again were the only ones to broadcast live (this year's other DJs for the rest of the month were Oleta Adams, Diana Ross And Def. Leopard's Joe Elliot). For these shows they made a series of new jingles, on the first day bought ice creams for all the fans waiting outside, And very much enjoyed themselves. Nevertheless "I don't know if they'll ask us again," says Chris. "I felt we were too radical this time. Last year the public could relate to where music was at, but this year there's too much of a divergence between public taste And what's actually happening." Here are the highlights...

Neil: Hello, this is Neil Tennant.
Chris: I'm Chris Lowe. We're the Pet Shop Boys.
Neil: We're here live all this week on Radio One.
Chris: This is the Golden Hour.

One Two Three "Runaway"

Neil: This is the Pet Shop Boys live on Radio One with the Golden Hour, playing records from the year when Cecil Parkinson admitted having an affair with his secretary, Sarah Keys.
Chris: Yeah, And one of the big films this year was Flash dance.

Irene Cara "Flash dance. . . What a Feeling"

Chris: Well, if you know what the year was you can phone us on 071 6374343 or fax us on 071 6362476.
Neil: And in this year, to give you a clue, this was the year when Boy George was probably the biggest pop star in the world.

Culture Club "Victims"
Tina Turner "Let 'Stay Together"

Neil: Playing records from the year when Mrs Thatcher was reelected in a General Election. This was also the year when the police fired 15 bullets in a stationary yellow mill in Earl's Court And shot a man called Stephen Waldoff.
Chris: Yeah, And the Style Council had a big hit with this record.

The Style Council "Long Hot Summer"

Neil: We're starting to get faxes in already. Diane Edwards, "a mega -fan from Chelinsford", says hello. Hello, Diana. And she also says to Chris, "Chris, I love the Cicero video".
Chris: Wow.

Forest "Rock The Boat"

Neil: Beverley Ridge from Cumbria thought she thought the year was 1984, but she likes the show anyway. And this was 1983, the year when, believe it or not, Malcolm Mclaren was a pop star.

Malcolm Mclaren And the World's Famous Supreme Team ~ Laura Barging "Gloria"

Chris: Right, the time now is 9.30 And here's the news with Rod McKenzie.
Neil: OK, we're moving on to a new year here. That was from the year when Harold Wilson mysteriously resigned And was replaced as Prime Minister by Jim Callaghan. It was also the year of Donna Summer.

Donna Summer "Could It Be Magic"

Neil: This is Bryan Ferry from the year in which Howard Hughes, the reclusive billionaire died, and also Viscount Montgomery - Monty died as well.

Bryan Ferry "The Price 0/Love" The Isley Brothers "Harvest For The World"
Diana Ross "Love Hangover" Andrea True Connection "More More More

Chris: The year of course was 1976. Isaac Have Movement "Disco Connection"
Neil: The time now is ten o'clock and we'll be back in a few seconds.
Chris: Hello, this is Pet Shop Boys again live. Big hello out there to the traveler's and everyone suffering out there. Bye.

Felix "Don't You Want Me"

Neil: Actually I had to get up at the crack of dawn this morning to get here for 8 o'clock. Bit early for me really. But we're playing some of the best of the new records that we like.

Fierce Ruling Diva "You Got a Believe"

Chris: Well, coming up at 10.30 we've got a fifteen minute nonstop dance mix from Cohn Faver.

Good 2 Bad & Hubly "Espania"

Neil: The Pet Shop Boys here live on Radio One. Just reading the latest issue of Music Week, which is the music business sort of newspaper, and it's interesting to see that the BBC television have finally admitted that Top Of The Pops is in something of a state of crisis. You probably realize that last year they rejigged the format to basically try and cut out all the rave records, like these things that we're and now what they think they're 801118 to do is stop going by the charts and go by the producer's choice. So what do you think? Do you think the chart no longer reflects people's taste intrinsic, and that we should let the Top of The Pops producer choose it' or do you think we should go back to the old Top 40 system? You can phone or fax us, so let us know your views on the new Top of The Pops and how you think it should change.

The Age of Love 'The Age of Love"

Chris: Well, a couple of fares just come in, one saying Up lease say hello to all the young farmers who've just returned home trip to Sweden'. Apparently it was brilliant and everyone had a great time. And here's one that says "he's of to the Manchester Hacienda posse from Jane, Bob and Claire, Stretford". Nice one. Top one. And all that stuff. (Neil laughs)

Baby June 'Hey What's Your Name"

Neil: And Just to prove there are still some good records in the charts wet re now going to play

Snap 'Rhythm Is A Dancer"

Neil: We'll be back in a few 'minutes with a fantastic mag a mix by Colin Faver.

Colin Faver' mag a mix

Chris; if you want to be hear more of Colin Faver, he's at Knowledge on Wednesdays at Swiss and Rage at Heaven on Thursdays.

Rachel Wallace 'Tell Me Why"

Neil: Well, the telephone and the fax machine has been buzzing since we asked your opinions on Top Of The Pops. Should they 50 back to the old format? Should they get rid of rave records? Should they have more old artists? Should they change the presenters? Allison Freser from Bidford-on-Avon thinks Top of The Pops is "pretty flaw' and they should follow the Top 40. Gerald Hartley from Nottingham tribe it should be chart-based and represent new entries without repeating things Dana from Sheffield says "bring back the Top 40" and, believe it or not, "get the Radio One DJs back". Neil from Norwich this it should remain as it is. Shaun from Somerset think it should go back to the old format but with "less Ensure and more rock". Chris Jepps from Manchester thinks it should reflect the charts. Greg from London this it should get back to the chains. Chloe from London this Top Of The Pops is "an obnoxious karraoky contest" and should go back to the old Top 40 format
Chris: And that's enough from you. Urban Shakedown 'Some Justice"
Neil: Just to continue my rant about Top of the Pops here, it seems that the vast majority of people who've phoned or faxed in think it should go back to the Top 40 and something more or less like the old format, so I hope Michael Huril and all at BBC television are taking some notice of what you all think
Chris: Last record from us.

Love & Sew 'Don't Stop Now"

Neil: As the show's nearly ended we'd like to do a few dedications here. We'd like to say hello to everyone who's outside Radio One at the moment They're all eating free ice creams at the moment. And I would like say "happy 21st birthday" to Claire Golding from Birmingham whose birthday is actually today.
Chris: So that's, UN, just about it today from ... from ... (Laughs)... blubalubbalub.. Hope you tune in again tomorrow when we've got some more great golden oldies and some fresh new tunes.
Neil: See you then tomorrow.

Chris: Good morning, we're the Pet Shop Boys.
Neil: Starting off with the Golden Hour.

Depeche Mode' Enjoy The Silence"

Neil: What was the year? Well, it was the year when the government announced they were going to provide L12 minion for a search into mad cow disease - that made a lot of difference.
Chris: And Neil's favorite paper, The Independent On Sunday, was launched
Kyle Minegue 'Better The Devil You Know" nSnap 'The Power"
Neil: Playing music from the year when was reported that 32 people died in the hurricane force winds in south Britain It was also the year when the Mayor of Washington, Marion Barry, was arrested for the possession of crack

Stevie V 'Dirty Cash"
Hard-core Uproar "Together"

Neil: Other fascinating news events from this year: Labour MP Ron Brown was found guilty or causing criminal damage to his lover's flat and famed L1,000, and at the Commonwealth Games in New Zealand Welsh weightlifter Ricky Chapman was stripped of his gold medal after a positive drug test.

Happy Mondays EMF 'Unbelievable"

Neil: The year was 1990.

Doubled Featuring Dany 'Found Love"
Sylvester 'Menergy"

Chris: That was "Menergy" by Sylvester and Patrick Cowley. This year the British miners started a strike, and the police illegally used roadblocks from the first time. Anyway, Shannon was doing it in the clubs

Shannon "Give Me Tonight"

Neil: It was the year when Ronald Reagan announced his decision to seek relocation but, in spite of that, it was a great year for dance music coming out of New York New Order went to New York and recorded this with Arthur Baker.

New Order "Thieves Like Us"

Chris: Right, the following people got it wrong. Justin and Tristan at Wakefield Design Center who thought it ~a' *77. What else? I have to start another record while I'm talking (they both laugh)... .[ can't do everything at once. Oh. Excellent. a Madonna... here she is.

Madonna "Borderline"

Neil: We've had tons of phone calls with the right year- 1984.
Chris: We'll be back with some new stuff after Rod McKenzie.
Neil: Coming up this half hour we've got an exclusive unreleased Michele Jackson mix which has been sneaked into the building by Brothers in Rhythm.

Hyper Go Go "High"

Neil: Coming up now an exclusive remix of the new Michael Jackson single, done by Brothers In Rhythm just a few weeks ago, and it's not going to be released in the UK; it's only going to be on US Import copies. Here it is.

Michael Jackson "Who Is It? (Brothers In Rhythm House Mix)"

Chris: Right, well coming up after the news we've got today's megamix by the tap Pack If you're going out clubbing tonight here's a few to check out. The Beny Ford Clinic at the Wag.
Neil: Abba at Bar Industrial in London with Fat Tony DJing tonight.
Chris: (laughing) Ciao Baby at the Fridge in London -with Mark Lawrence and Mark Andrews plus a live show by Caged Muscle.
Neil: Sounds camp.
Neil: I'd just like to say happy birthday to my brother Simon in Manchester whose birthday it is today.

Andronicus "Make You Whole"

Chris: Thanks to the Rap Pack for that Excellent. mix. Here's two tracks coming up from Liquid.

Liquid "Sweet Harmony" Liquid "House (ft A Feeling)

Neil: That's all from us, the Pet Shop Boys, today.
Chris: Yeah, thanks a lot for listening. We'll be back tomorrow and.... .... hope you're listening in.

Chris: Morning.
Neil: Hello.

David Bowie "Boys Keep Swinging"

Chris: What was the year?

Patrick Hernander "Born To Be Alive"

Neil: Yes, this is the Pet Shop Boys live on Radio One FM, playing records from the year when the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran to become its leader after 14 years of exile in France.

The bee Gees "Tragedy"
Tube way Army "Are 'Friends 'Ekctric"

Neil: It was the year of Gary Numan and The way Army, and also the year that rail strikes began in the UK, and Mrs Thatcher became the first women prime minister

Elvis Costello "Oil per's Army"

Chris: We've got a fax here from Jim Lawrence who says "Neil and Chris, I think the year for part one in 1977, but I'm probably wrong as usual. Keep up the good work" Well, he is wrong actually (laughs).

Donna Summer and Barbara Streisand "No More
Tears (Enough Is Enough)" The Clash "London Calling"

Chris: The year, of course, was 1979.
Chris: Right, this is the Pet Shop Boys, back with the second part of the Golden Hour, and another brilliant record. But what was the year?

Kariya "Let Me Love You Tonight"

Neil: That was Kariya, from the year when Arthur Scraggily was reelected as president of the National Union of Mine workers.

Womack & Womack "Teardrops"

Chris: This was the year that hundreds of nurses marched on Parliament in support of more money for the NHS, and pay claims.

S'Express "Theme From S'Express"

Neil: It was the year that Bank Of England pound notes ceased to be legal tender, Andy Warhol's art collection went on sale at Sotheby's in New York and we made a record with Patsy Kensit.

Eighth Wonder "I'm Not Scared" Johnny Kemp 'Just Got Paid"

Neil: This is the Pet Shop Boys live, saying hello to (long list of names who have all guessed the year right).
Chris: Y~ So has Mark Ridley from Country Durham.
Neil: That's Mary Ridley, actually.
Chris: Oh., is it? (Pause) Oh. yeah, what did I say?
Neil: Mark
Chris: (Laughs) Well there you go. And this is - what is it? - "Break 4 Love", Raze.

Rare "Break 4 Love"

Neil: The year was 1988, the year when Bros. were unavoidable.

Bros. "when Will I Be Famous?"

Chris: Well, that's the end of the Golden Hour.
Neil: Kicking off pan two of our show with Messiah and "I Feel Love" Messiah "I Feel love"
Chris: Coming up at 10.30 we've got today's megamix Slip Mat ......... (Laughs)... Slip Man and Lime, otherwise known as 812.

Baby June 4 Hey What's Your Name"

Neil: I wonder if you can work out who this is.

Boy George "The Crying Game"

Neil: This is, of course, Boy George with a preview of his new twelve-inch remix, -The Crying Game", coming out in the end of August.

The Rat Pack "Taking You Higher"

Chris: That was the Rat Pack, who did our megamix yesterday if you want to check that out.

Felix "Don't You Want Me"

Neil: Got millions of fares coming in here today, There's one... nice one here from the West Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds they says "Chris, keep on raving" and "Neil, you're still a sex God", even though I'm... of course I'm really a middle-aged man. "And if Dainton is around, can he say hello too?" Well, Dainton, who actually works for us, and you might have seen in the "So Hard" video, is coming in later, so maybe we'll... we'll put him on the air.
Chris: Another one, fax here, from Robes in where is it? - Brighton or somewhere. Oh no, Sevenoaks. Saying - what does he say? - can he watch us cut a record in the studio? ER, no. (Neil Laughs) "Not any chance of a signed record or photo?" No. Actually possibly. Anyway....
Neil: Oh' he can have a signed photo, can't he?
Chris: This record is "Lock Up", Zero B.
Neil: Let's just shut up and listen to it shall we?

Zero B "Lock Up"

Neil: This is a record we weren't going to play (laughs) because it's on our own label and ft kind of seems a bit Cheeky actually we're getting loads of requests to hear this - It's the new twelve-Inch remix from Cicero. And if you want to see Cicero he's playing tonight at Markeaton Park, Derby. Dainton's here - he's going up with him. What time's he going to be on' Dainton?
Dainton: About between seven and eight.
Neil: Between seven and eight, so it shouldn't be too late a night for you.
Chris: You'll be in bed by ten

Cicero "Heaven Must Hare Sent You Back To Me"

Neil: Got a bit of a complaint here from the entire stall of Nixon Studios in Dale Street' Manchester, who say "can't you stop playing all this dance rave rubbish and play something decent from the hit parade like Elvis or the Beetles?" I think, Brian from Nixon Studios, you're in a bit of a time warp. This is the 1990; you know, not the mid Sixties.

Papa Dee "Anita No Substitute"

Chris: You're listening to the classic sound of Papa Dee there. I've got a fax here saying, what am I wearing? Some aftershave, really. Here's another great record coming up.

F.OA.D. "Work it Out"

Neil: That's just about it for today. We'll be back again tomorrow.
Chris: We'll be back with more manufactured pop tomorrow.

Brace Springsteen "Dancing In The Dark"

Neil: Yeah, the fares are coming in. Rob, Jase and Paul at Lockwell's in AIbridge think the year in 1983. I'm afraid it's not. And everyone at the neon tube manufacturers in Globe Road, Leeds, thinks it's 1986 - well, it Anita that either.

USA For Africa We Are The World"

Neil: Well I think that's given the year away. The year of Live Aid was of course 1985. That's USA For Africa and "We Are The World". Actually, I love Bob Dylan on the record.

The Flirts "You And Me"

Neil: Moving back in time to the year when President Nixon called a halt to the US offensive in Vietnam. This is the Temptations.

The Temptations "Papa Was A Rolling Stone"

Neil: We interrupt this record now for a news flash.

Rod Mackenzie: Thanks very much indeed for letting us in Let me give you what we have just heard. Three British competitors are being sent home from Barcelona from the Olympic Games. This is after some drug tests... We have no clue as to the identity of those three names so we will keep you posted with the latest information as we get it.

Chris: Hi, we're back with T. Rex.

T. Rex "20th Century Boy"

Neil: It was the year when Glam. rock was at its height and even I used to go to college with dyed hair, a Ziggy Stardust haircut, platform shoes and Oxford bag trousers. We all loved Roxy Musk.

Roxy Musk "Pyjamarama

Chris: The controversial film Last Tango In Parts opened in London, and Paul McCartney is charged with growing pot on his Scottish farm. First Choke "Armed And extremely Dangerous

Timing Thomas "Why Can't We live Together"

Chris: Well, the year was 1973.

David Cassidy "Daydreams"

Neil: I'd like to say hello to Sarah who works for Young & Rubicam at Greater London House. She wants us to play "Break 4 Love" again, but we Anita, I'm afraid.

Digital Orgasm "Mood Eruption"

Chris: I'd just like to say hello to Steph, Jo, Dave, Kev and all the Wales travellers.

David Bowie "Your Love"

Chris: Coming up we've got today's megamix, but before that.. (Laughs)... I keep for getting what we're playing.
Neil: Looks at the script.
Chris: Oh that's it. Love & Sas again.

Loved Sax "Don't stop Now"

Neil: We've got tons of faxes in here. Rob and Melissa from Electric Marketing in London SW9 say "we usually listen to Woman's Hour but discovered you on Tuesday. Behave groovy, boys, and play the Felix record again". Actually we're going to play it tomorrow.
Chris: One here to the Pet Shop Boys Crew, Hard-core 92- "keep playing the hard-core techno sounds of the Nineties. It's the music that people want to hear."
Neil: And Rick and Phil from Chippendales 'Type in Otley, West Yorkshire, say "please play the Grateful Dead." Well I don't know about that, but we have got the Club Guide. We've also got a fax here ....... actually someone thinks the beetrecord we've played yesterday was "Heaven Must Have Sent You flack To Me" by Cicero. This is Smoggy from Edinburgh. Dainton's just arrived. How did Cicero's gig go last night then, Dainton?
Dainton: It was great. It was a good day. It was a good night.
Neil: Was he rocking' the house?
Dainton: Oh, we stomped it. We rocked the gaff.
Neil: (Laughs) And this is Bananarama's latest single.

Bananarama "Moving' On"

Neil: That's Bananarama and "Moving' On", The Spagana Dub... and this is "Espania", I think the most popular record we've played all were Good 2 Bad & Hubly "Espania"
Chris: Well we said we weren't going to play Felix but we've had so many requests for it that we are going to play it now. And here it is. We can read out a few faxes as well before we say good-bye today. Got one here from the Gunners shop, couflesy of Arsenal Football Club, from Sarah, Scotties and Amy Hello to you.
Neil: I'd like to say hello to Mick wheelhouse of Leeds, and also to my sister-in-law Sarah who's just given birth to a baby girl. Well done.
Chris: Mouse Computer Graphics and Design saying...
Neil: Can you make less noise, Dainton, Please?
Chris: ... saying, ER, what is it, "Work starts at 11 o'clock this week, because we're dancing from nine". Felix "Don't You Want Me"
Chris: Well, that's all from us for today.
Neil: We'll be back tomorrow for our last day on Radio One FM. Normal service with Simon Bates to be resumed on Monday. See you tomorrow.
Chris: Be there or be a circle.

Chris: Good morning. We're the Pet Shop Boys.
Neil: Welcome to our last morning live on One FM.

Sabrina Johnson "Peace"

Neil: What was this year? Well, Sabrina Johnston was in the Top Ten - numbers- with "Peace". It was also the year of "Yin Peaks.

Moby "Go"

Chris: That was Moby and here is another clue - this was the year that Wining Mandela went on trial in South Africa.

The Army 0f Lovers "Crucified"

Neil: Pet Shop Boys live on One FM with the golden year when the Italian Sports Federation announced that tests revealed that Diego Maradona had taken cocaine and he was given a one year worldwide ban.

REM. "Losing My Religion"

Neil: Playing records from the year when three mortar bombs were fired at Downing Street from a van parked in Whitehall and one of the bombs exploded in the garden of 10 Downing Street

The Prodigy "Your Love"

Neil: Tony H and Mike D in Northwich Manchester have guessed the year right. So has Your in Uthecht, Holland, So we do have listeners in Europe. So what was the year, Chris?
Chris: The year was 1991.

Black Box "Ride On time"

Neil: Yes, this is part two of the Golden Hour with the Pet Shop Boys playing records from the year when Frank Bruno was beaten by the American boxer and world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson. The fight was stopped in the fifth round.
Chris: Music had never been better.

Kyle Minogue "Wouldn't Change A Thing"

Neil: It was the year when the Finnish health minister came up with an interesting suggestion that people suffering from stress should be sent on sex holidays where they could forget their worries and recuperate m an unequivocally erotic atmosphere.

Paula Abdul "Straight Up"

Neil: Nick and Julian from Mary Hill Carpets in Briefly Hill say "Dear Pets, had a word with Elvis last night at McDonnell Us and he really liked your version of Always On My Mind'." They've guessed the year right - it was, of course, 1989.

Strings Of Life "Rhyihim Is Rhythim"

Chris: Right. We'll be back in a moment with more top tunes.
Neil: m's is the record we're getting literally dozens of requests for - "Don't You Want Me" by Felix. For instance all the Camel's posse says "please slam it on". We have done.

Messiah "I Feel Love" Papa Dee "Anita No Substitute"

Neil: Giles Lewis from Welling has faxed us to say, could we get a message to a mate of his called Tallett and say if he doesn't turn tonight with his ten quid that he owes he's going to flog his ten-inch of "Love Comes Quickly" for thirty quid in Record Collector.
Chris: Coming up at 10.30 we've got a really brilliant megamix from Dave Seaman who's one half of Brothers in Rhythm.

Urban Shakedown "Some Justice"

Chris: Stay tuned.
Neil: Coming up now, the last fifteen minute dance megamix of the week Today's is a really fabulous mix. It's by Dave Seaman.

Dave Seaman megamix

Neil: I've got an unusual dedication here from someone who is apparently a great fan and has really enjoyed the show this week, So we're saying hello to the vicar of Great Chestefford, the Reverend Alan Kemp.
Chris: Got a fax here from Jimmy Reynolds, Edinburgh, who says "this for the best music I've heard on the radio this year. I've been raving like crazy. Your taste in Music is sound. It's about time us ravers got some airplay".

Baby June "Hey What's Your Name"

Neil: Dainton's just fought his way into the building as usual. How many people are outside then, D?
Dainton: There's quite a few fans, and they're all well-behaved, most of them. It's been a great week here. Most of them are regulars. So we should have a great time next tune we come...
Neil: (laughs) Anyway, we'd like to say thanks to everybody who's been standing outside, particularity the Putney Posse etceteras. They know who they are.
Chris: We'd like to thank Dave Seaman and everyone at DMC for getting all the records together. We'd also like to thank Jill and Christine at our office.
Neil: And finally we'd like to thank Steve Hays who's been ~.... who's our plunger, and also who has been driving us in all week This is the last record of the week It's "Music" by Liquid.

Liquid "Music"

Chris: That's just about it from us for this week Hope you've enjoyed the show as much as we have.
Neil: Yes, thanks everyone for listening. We've had a great time. We'd like to thank Fergus Dudley who produced the show, assisted by Clare Sturgis, and the show was engineered all week by PK. Bye bye.
Chris: See you later.